Sharon Springs and Richfield Springs Walking Tours
Otsego 2000 will offering architectural walking tours of Sharon Springs (July 31) and Richfield Springs (August 14). Register in advance online or by calling 607/547-8881.

Letter from Jim Dalton, Otsego 2000 Board President
The Summer 2022 newsletter opens with a letter from Otsego 2000 Board President Jim Dalton. Read his message and the full six page newsletter to get a great overview of Otsego 2000’s work and how you can invest in its continued success.

Take the Summer Octet Challenge from Otsego Outdoors
The new Otsego Outdoors Summer Octet includes state forests, state parks, local parks, Otsego Land Trust properties, private property open to the public, and the New Lisbon Ride which links Gilbert Lake State Park and Texas Schoolhouse State Forest. By completing eight activities between June 21 and September 21, participants can earn a free embroidered Summer Octet patch and get listed on the Otsego Outdoors Challenge Roster.

Farmers’ Market offers Summertime Tuesday Hours
Beginning July 2, the Cooperstown Farmers’ Market will be open on Tuesdays from 12 to 5 pm, in addition to Saturday hours of 9 am to 2 pm. Four farms will be offering fresh produce each Tuesday and there will be several vendors selling farmstead cheese, baked goods, grass-fed meat and charcuterie, local honey, homemade hummus and pesto, native New York State plants, CBD products, and organic skin care. Alex’s Picnic, Rock Hill Farm, and By the Handful will also be offering lunch and take-away meals.

Otsego 2000 to offer Walking Tours Highlighting Local Architecture
This summer Otsego 2000 will offer a series of walking tours, led by Dr. Cynthia Falk, in three Route 20 villages: Cherry Valley, Sharon Springs, and Richfield Springs. Dr. Falk will explain how the natural environment as well as year-round and summer residents shaped architectural expressions.

Subaru gives major donation to Otsego Outdoors
Five Star Subaru gives $14K to Otsego 2000 for Otsego Outdoors.

Tom’s Charity Hike: Updates
Tom Walsh completed his 208-mile continuous thru-hike to all 21 State Forests and 4 State Parks in Otsego County. He used the hike to raise funds for Otsego Outdoors and Bassett Cancer Institute. He is near his goal of $5000, and additional donations are most welcome. Find out more about his epic trek through the rolling green hills of Otsego County.

Otsego 2000 to offer program on new NYS Historic Barn Tax Credit
On Wednesday, May 18 at 6 pm, Otsego 2000 will offer an informational session on the new NYS Historic Barn Tax Credit Program. The free event, which will be held in the Lakeview Pavilion at Glimmerglass State Park, will feature Olivia Brazee from the State Historic Preservation Office and Ellen Pope, executive director of Otsego 2000.

Land Use, Energy and the Economic Future of Upstate New York
“We must eliminate our dependence on fossil fuel and develop alternate, carbon-free sources of energy. But as we do that, we need to decide responsibly how our land is used and be sure that food production is considered.”
-James Dalton, M.D.
President, Otsego 2000 Board of Directors, in a 4/28 editorial in The Freeman’s Journal

Otsego Outdoors offers first-ever Spring Octet Challenge. A collaborative effort of Otsego 2000, the Otsego Land Trust, and the Otsego County Conservation Association, Otsego Outdoors connects people with year-round opportunities to enjoy the outdoors throughout Otsego County.